After we have taken the time to fully understand your needs through the analysis form and discussions, the ball is in our court. And since passions often rule over reason when you're choosing a car, we help you see what's what.


What brand should you choose to get the best in reliability, greater resale value or the best warranty?

What type of financing or purchase plan is best for you: leasing or buying?


According to your needs and the number of hours spent on the road, is it better to choose an SUV, a compact or a sedan?


If you're opting for a used car, which is the most reliable?


If you're leasing a vehicle, should you take a 24-, 36-, 48- or 60-month lease? Should you buy an excess kilometre service to avoid penalties?


Our analysis is not only limited to the form. We take the time to answer you by e-mail or phone, as long as you are a member of 1er.ca.

Our analysis allows us to correctly identify your needs and to make recommendations based on them.

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