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 Our services
      First visit
      Step-by-step consulting
      Analysis form
      Our analysis
      Our recommendations
      Customized service
      Experts to guide you
      Help and support service
      1er Club
 Our advantages
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After performing an analysis, going over your choices and often preconceived ideas, checking data and talking to you to understand your needs, we recommend three vehicles, in order of priority, with your choices in mind.

There are no predetermined choices! This is a tailor-made service that truly takes into consideration your needs.

Every choice is checked by our team.

You avoid problems with after-sales and financing services because, with your help, we think of everything for you, taking into account your limitations and special interests.

All you have to do is to choose the options and the colour. Once again, we are available by e-mail and phone to answer all of your questions. You'll never be left out in the cold when you're a member of

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