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 Our services
      First visit
      Step-by-step consulting
      Analysis form
      Our analysis
      Our recommendations
      Customized service
      Experts to guide you
      Help and support service
      1er Club
 Our advantages
 Why are we in business?
 Contact us


The team takes care of you. We support you when you buy, lease and even when you sell your vehicle, Essentially, as long as you are a member of Our step-by-step consulting service lets you make the best choice of automobile transactions.

An established and proven structure allows us to correctly identify your needs and advise you on the best vehicle for your lifestyle:


1. The first step of our service involves evaluating your needs using our analysis form. In this first step, we try to identify and draw up your profile. This analysis allows us to describe you as a consumer :

What type of vehicles do you like?
How many kilometres do you drive every year?
What's the most you want to spend monthly on your vehicle? And so on…

2. Then, our analysis allows us to correctly identify your needs and expectations. 

3. With these results, we can make a personal recommendation that takes into account your situation in terms of financing, choice of vehicle, insurance, and more.


Our transparency, credibility and experience ensure that you'll make the right choice. We only suggest products that truly respond to your needs.


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